
“Sons and daughters of Saint Lucia,
Love the land that gave us birth.”

These words are from the first stanza of the national anthem of Saint Lucia. Inspired by our natural love for our beautiful island and the words of the anthem which further reminds us “where so ever you may roam, Love, oh love your island home” we believe that Saint Lucians living in Ottawa, Canada should form and establish an association to demonstrate our love for our native land and for each other.

We are also aware of the famous words “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” By virtue of the opportunities and resources available to Saint Lucians in Ottawa, Canada and which may not be as abundant in Saint Lucia, we believe that an association of Saint Lucians would maximize these resources to enable the educational, social and economic development of our fellow Saint Lucians in Ottawa and in Saint Lucia.

Therefore, we also resolve to do for Saint Lucia what it has not done or been able to do for us. Moreover, this association shall wherever possible also reflect our unique historical and cultural heritage. The association shall whenever or wherever feasible or practicable focus and harness its resources to enable and/or facilitate human development of physical, social, economic, intellectual, professional needs of its members in Ottawa and Saint Lucian citizens in general, especially those living in Saint Lucia.

“May we continue to live united, Strong in soul and strong in arms”


To promote, support and assist the goals and objectives of Saint Lucians, their descendants, and friends of St. Lucia in the National Capital Region.


  • To unite fraternally and to promote the mutual interests of its members.
  • To promote and perpetuate the spirit of unity and harmony among all Saint Lucians residing in Ottawa
  • To provide a forum for the discussion and resolution of problems peculiar to the members of the MASLOW/SLOA in particular, and the Saint Lucian Community in general and for utilization of resources and the implementation of policies directed to the resolution of these problems.
  • To cater for, provide or organize cultural, educational, and social activities for the benefit of the members of the Association in particular and the Saint Lucian Community in general.
  • To provide moral, material, and financial support primarily to Saint Lucians in Ottawa and to other Saint Lucian citizens wherever and whenever required and practical irrespective of their residence or domicile.
  • To encourage, and wherever possible, facilitate Saint Lucians to pursue academic and vocational training or courses of study in Canada, St. Lucia and/or wherever such courses are available and affordable.
  • To work with other associations, organizations, government departments, agencies and community-based groups through dialogue, networking and sharing or securing of resources on matters of cultural, educational, social and economic development either for mutual benefit or to advance the needs of MASLOW/SLOA members and/or the citizens of Saint Lucia.
Saint Lucian and Canadian flags

The Saint Lucia Ottawa Association - 2009-2025